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I believe that Apocylamon first appeared before Tai and friends came to the digiworld. In the tv show-first
season, gennai said something about a dark digimon who came out from the wall of fire a long time ago
and disrupted th digiworld, and a group of digidestined that stopped him. I think this digimon might
have been apocylamon, or a different evolutionary stage of him. I think that this happened at the time
of the greymon and parrotmon fight at highton veiw terrace. Think about it. When black wargreymon was
destroying destiny stones and making the digiworld un stable, he opened a gateway to the realworld and
went there with a whole bunch of other digimon, like apemon and musyamon. if apocylymon showed up and
made the digiworld un stabl, it would explain the reason that a gateway opened and a couple digi eggs
went through to Tai's world. Not only that, but i bet that the gateway was also the same one that some
other humans went through to the digiworld. those humans stopped apoclymon(it might not have been apocylymon,
its just an idea). And maybe, just maybe, they used digieggs or golden digieggs to digivolve to beat
him. Azulongmon said that armor digivolution was an ancient way of digivolving, and time in the digiworld
was still faster than time in the digiworldat that time. So the four years between the fight at highton
view terrace and when Tai and friends first went to the digiworld could be millions and millions of years
in the digiworld, making the technique of armor evolution ancient by the time of the digimon emporerer.
We know that the dark masters were made before Tai and friends showed up because on the tv show
they showed piedmon attacking gennai, and gennai running off to file island with the digiegg's and digivices.
I think that the darkmasters didn't just have a battle with the digi gods, i think that they had a war.
Apocylamon wasn't destroyed in that first battle, just really weakened so he made the darkmasters before
he left the digiworld. The other group of digi destined knew that they did'nt have the power to defeat
them, so they chose some digieggs to partner up with Tai and the other children at highton view terrace.
The four guardians would make crests for the children and would hold off the dark masters until the children
were old enough to fight. Then one day,after many fights, the darkmasters sealed away the guardins, making
the digiworld unstable, causing the weird weather in tais world. Do you remember the transparent digmon
when tai followed etemon through the warp? That was probably the same thing that happened to kari, ken
and yolie when they were looking for gatomons tail ring, only instead of going between Tai's world and
the digiworld, they went inbetween the digiworld and the dark ocean. Now, if the darkmasters were still
alive when Tai's group came to the digiworld then where would the darkmasters be? Well, the four guardians
are strong digimon! the dark masters probably used up all their power to seal away the gaurdians, and
were so weak they were scared to face the digidestined when they showed up. they probably sent some flunky's
to fight them(devimon? etemon? Myotismon?)and when the digidestined left the digiworld to find the eighth
digidestined, the darkmasters took over the world and made spiral mountian. These theory's are kind of
far fetched, but i thought i'd share them.
Theory on the Four Guardians and Daemon
i belive whene that one digigod created the digital world after he finished he slit into the four gardians
north south east and west but as they said in the first series there must be a balance of good and evil
so he also split into sum sort of evil god "devil"(apokylamon/ dameon) who whould be the gardian of the
center "file island". i think this devil created the dark masters who created devimon etamon myotise
mon ect.... ipersonaly think this was dameon because apokylamon said he was created out of dead digimon
who could not digivolve. dameon to had digicorps and gave them to the dark masters so they could defeat
the gaurdians. but before the gaurdians where sealed they created the destiny stones to seal dameon.
so that's why we only saw him after the stones where destroyed. the destny stones are opposite of the
controle spieres the destiny stones are made with seeds of light and the spires where made with the help
of the dark spores. and the spires sealed good digimon and the stones sealed the evil ones, the spires
weakend the bariers of the digiworld the stones strenthened them. dameon needed the dark flower so he
could regain his full power he was the one who ordered the seed to be inplanted in ken in the first plase
but his plan bakefiered. the dark forceses of the digiworld had one intencian from the very beginig every
enemy the digidestined faste wanted the real world the digi world and the darkworld(dark ocean) to be
one, one world of total darknase p.s.the dark undersea master from the beginning of 02 was a weaker version
of damamon.
If you would like to respond to this explanation, please feel free to email us
through the email us section in the menu column.
Digimon Tamers Theory
The digidestined
of season three got there blue cards that made them digidestined from the same place the kids in 02 and
01 got the digivises, from the digital world,The reason the three kids in 03 got the digivises was because
the real world was in danger, not the digital world. The way the real world was in trouble was because
of the bio-emergance of digimon that were uncontrolable, like Impmon and the Devas, also the hypnos might
have destroyed the digital world so Rika, Henry, and Takoto, and possibly Kazu, Kenta, and Lee might
have to stop HYPNOS and save the digi-world.
If you would like to respond to this explanation,
please feel free to email us through the email us section in the menu column.
Calumon Theory
Im assuming that Calumon helps the Tamers to digivolve because every time they digivolve to a new
form for the first time Calumon's forehead lights up. I think that calumon is the evolved form of datirimon,
Oikawa's digimon. Now before Oikawa died (I'm assuming he died) in the last episode of season 2, he got
a digimon,( I thinked it was named Datirimon, or something similar). When Oikawa died he was in that
weird world he went to when he tried to go to the digital world. And In that weird world Davis and the
other digidestined's digimon got enough power to digivolve into all their different forms at once. Because
Oikawa died their, maybe this power to digivolve from the weird world rubbed off on Calumon(Datirimon),
giving him the power to help others digivolve. (The weird world might be called "matrix" something, Because
of "matrix digivolving". ????????????) submitted by Charles Goddard Reply although i like
this idea, it is impossible. season 2 and tamers are not linked in any way. in season 3 digimon is a
TV show that they watch. although characters are sometimes reused (spoiler alert!) like one of the new
digidestined is the same guy who traveled w/ ken before season 2, they arent linked :( .
I seriously
doubt it. As you know, season 2 brought that saga to a close, albeit with a ton of loose ends. Everyone
lived happily ever after, at least until Armagemon appears in the Real World. Season 3 is an entirely
separate storyline from the first 2, even though it alludes to the fact that seasons 1 and 2 are seen
on TV. Therefore the characters from the first 2 seasons have nothing to do with the characters in season
3, no matter how many of the same voice actors they use. I looked at Calumon's card and all 3 of his
attacks are Protect. His purpose isn't to fight but to increase the potential of friendly digimon, which
is exactly what he does.
If you would like to respond to this explanation, please feel free
to email us through the email us section in the menu column.